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Theater Whore: Free In Deed

Free In Deed 3/10

Today Koko and I went to the AFI films where we saw two movies. This was the second one called Free In Deed which was based off of actual events. This is the story of a man played by David Harewood with a strong faith in god and trying to make up for whatever he did in the past as well as a single mother played by Edwina Findley Dickersonthat is struggling to work and take care of her two children, one of whom has something wrong where he has violent fits. She can not control him, he gets kicked out of school, and she turns to the church and this guys healing hands for help. This could only end badly.

This was one of those movies where I know people will love it but it was missing something to me. It was a little over 90 minutes but felt like three hours. The kid screaming went on for too long and too many times. I am sure this was to give everyone watching a sense of what it is like dealing with this. It just annoyed the hell out of me. Some people left during the very long feeling church scenes that felt repetitive after the third time. The acting was good but Harewood sounded like a English guy doing an American voice. Dickerson was good but I felt like there was more to her than was shown. If ten minutes of church were removed and more explanation of each characters past I'd have liked this a little bit more.

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